
Overcoming Anxiety When Trading


Overcoming anxiety when trading

  • The fear of losing money can stop traders from executing trades
  • Changing the color of candles to just one color can help reduce anxiety
  • ✦Using multi-colored candles decreases your ability to detect patterns.

  • Visual perception in psychology explains that the brain looks for patterns and similarities in colors.
  • Color affects your brain, emotions, and potentially your trading ability.
  • To trade effectively, it is best to be in a neutral and unbiased state of mind.
  • Fast-moving red or green candles have led to bad trades in the past due to anxiety.
  • If you are anxious during a trade, use candles with the same color.
  • To decrease reactivity to price moves, change the candle color to anything but red, blue, or green.
  • Using a single color for up and down candles can help increase calmness and reduce anxiety.
  • ✦Don't wait for the perfect entry point in trading

  • Waiting for the perfect entry can lead to missed opportunities
  • Perfectionism can lead to irrational behavior and drain mental energy
  • Trying to time the entry point accurately is a foolish endeavor
  • Using range instead of exact prices can reduce anxiety
  • ✦Good traders are patient and wait for setups

  • Good traders are alert yet patient when setting up
  • They don't chase the market, they let the market come to them
  • They use limit orders instead of market orders
  • They identify the best prices to buy and sell beforehand
  • Taking action only when conditions are as expected helps reduce stress and avoid emotional trades
  • ✦Higher time frames offer more reliable signals

  • Using higher time frames reduces stress and anxiety while trading
  • Transitioning to higher time frames may be difficult at first but leads to better trading execution
  • Trading a handful of high-quality trades is better than trading lots of poor-quality ones
  • Day trading on lower time frames requires constant monitoring
  • Lower time frames offer excitement and action, but can lead to mental fatigue
  • ✦Avoid frustration and burnout by trading on higher time frames.

  • Trading on higher time frames reduces the time spent in front of charts and lowers the risk of burnout.
  • Maintaining a cool head and emotional discipline is easier on higher time frames.
  • Avoid the frustration of stop-losses getting hit too quickly by using wider stop losses and lower position sizes.
  • ✦Trading anxiety comes from not knowing what you are doing.

  • Lack of trading strategy, plan, and journal.
  • Not being confident in your own ability to trade.
  • Feeling fear when you trade.
  • Importance of using a trading journal to track performance and emotions.
  • ✦Understanding the process of making and learning from mistakes is crucial in trading.

  • Track patterns, emotions, and feelings in your trading journal.
  • Consider the benefits of losing and learn from big losing trades.
  • Understanding why you're winning and why you lost is essential to repeat success.
  • Changing your perspective on losses can lead to repeatable wins in the future.

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