Webinar Services

What is Webinar ?

The word ‘webinar’ is a blend of ‘web’ and ‘seminar’. A webinar is an event held virtually which is attended exclusively by an online audience. This distinguishes it from a webcast, which also includes the presence of a physical audience. Other terms used as alternatives for webinar are web event, online seminar, webcast, web lecture and virtual event.

Some wise man said learning should never stop and we all know this is write.

Webinars are the new way to educate people far from their respective places and after the covid 19 webinars are the secured ones also.

We provide a free weekly webinar for our students who enrolled in the course and free for the Telegram Channel members

What do we teach in webinars?

  • Past week stocks movement
  • Technically analyze the stocks and index
  • Future views for the next week
  • Questions and answers
  • And many other educational information
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